the secrets of the Ancient Egyptians  

Course Ancient Egyptian Healing

The House of Life offers the Course Ancient Egyptian Healing. Ancient Egyptian Healing is a three-part course that trains you to understand the way priests and priestesses of Ancient Egypt understood illness and how they treated it in their very specific ways. In present day terms, we would call these methods holistic.

Three weeks course with a travel program with the aim to reconnect 

The three weeks or thirteen days course  

The three-week course Ancient Egyptian Healing 

There are two options for following the training. The first option is the method we have been offering since 2009 and which is described in detail on this page. This is the three-week training that includes a travel part to visit certain temples and power places per part with the aim of reconnecting with them and the stay in the House of Life where we work with the content of the training and the following and undergoing the associated rituals and initiation.

training and the associated rituals and initiation

The thirteen days Course Ancient Egyptian Healing 

The second option is a stay of thirteen full days in the House of Life, including the two travel days it is 15 days, during which the content of the training and the associated rituals and initiation are worked on for each part. Visiting the temples and power places with the aim of reconnecting with them will be postponed and will be done in the future by the participant itself.  

Spiritual healing methods 

Gods and Goddesses

The course with its initiation ceremonies opens up the secrets of Ancient Egyptian spirituality and enables you to acquire the abilities to discern the energies of diverse Neters which in modern words are the Gods and the Goddesses. Healing methods and applications (how and when to use them) are taught. Besides learning the use of herbs, massages, sacred essential oils, meditations and the healing rituals, one’s own new spiritual directions will reveal themselves. This enriches and deepens self-knowledge and insight in one’s position in the world’s life cycle processes which are really unique. 

set your inner processes in motion

Three parts devide over three modules  

The three weeks training/course is offered in three separate parts of three weeks or thirteen days deep retreat devide over three modules. Each three weeks or thirteen days module ends with its own initiation ceremony. These added skills will be of great advantage if you already work as a therapist, coach, psychotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist and you have the wish to gaine more spiritual unique knowledge and you want to work as a certified spiritual healer. The deep knowledge of the ancient Egyptians about the emergence of diseases will open inside you a complete new view how to support the mental health of your cients.

If this is not your intention than the training showed us over the years that it has a great personal value for the physical, emotional and spiritual development of our participants. The course is specifically adapted to each participant and sets one’s unique inner processes in motion.

Temples and powerful Earth energy sites 

Ancient temples and powerful places

The visits to and reconnection with ancient temples and powerful earth energy sites is an important part of the three weeks course and training. For this reason you will travel to and will visit during each retreat of three weeks at least one of these powerful places like Abydos, which is the area of Osiris – Achmoenihien, which is the area of Thoth – Aswan which is the aria of Khnum and Abu Garab which is the area of the Sun temples and who is strongly connected with Osiris as well as with Abydos.

Readers Ancient Egyptian Healing 

Education & Coaching

During the training Ancient Egyptian Healing the following information is available;  

* Course I 'Medicines in ancient Egypt’

* Course II ‘Magic in ancient Egypt’

* Course III ‘Religion in ancient Egypt’

The information is written by Horus in cooperation with Aset and accompanies each part of the total course.

The book 'Abydos, the Great Healing Temple of Ancient Egypt, teachings from the priests & priestesses in the past' written by Erica Rijnsburger and Horus from Abydos will help you to understand why King Sety I built his Healing Temple at Abydos.  

The Course Ancient Egyptian Healing includes a coaching program which starts as soon we ave received the complete answerds of the questionaire The dream of the Past. 

The coaching will go on until at least forty days after the participant traveled back home.   

Our work will continue Forty days

Organization & Supervision  

The Course Ancient Egyptian Healing part I - II - III will be coordinated and organized by Aset. The processes of the participants during the three weeks and thirteen days retreat in the House of Life will be guided, will be coached and supervised by Aset as well as Horus from Abydos. You need this time to deal with all the personal themes and issues. Till forty days after each initiation ceremony Horus and Aset continue to work with you on soul level on distance. 

enter into the in-depth process with yourself

Who is the Course Ancient Egyptian Healing intended for?

If you are a coach, therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist and healer, then the Course Ancient Egyptian Healing is a perfect way to enter into the in-depth process with yourself and the Egyptian healing field and gives you the opportunity to integrate the healing knowledge of the ancient Egyptians into your job.

Of course you are also welcome if you want to give yourself a gift and you want to develop yourself personally. The Ancient Egyptian Healing Course has proven so many times over the past 16 years that it puts many stuck life paths back on the right track.

training and retreat 

Information Course Ancient Egyptian Healing 

Have you become curious and would you like to know more about the content of this special education - training and retreat, then we cordially invite you to read the Information Course Ancient Egyptian Healing.

dates and fees three weeks course 

Dates and Fees Three weeks Courses 2025

April 17th - May 8th ( 22 days) 

October 8th - October 29th ( 22 days) 

Dates and Fees Three weeks Courses 2026

April 17th - May 8th ( 22 days) 

October 8th - October 29th ( 22 days) 

Each part of the three weeks Course Ancient Egytptian Healing can take place if there are minimum two and maximum eight participants.

The Course Ancient Egyptian Healing I - II - III is offered full board single room. It includes all the hotel accommodation, travel program, transport, temple tickets, tips and the complete coaching and training program before and afterwards.

Each part of the course and training can be payed separate. The fee of each course/training is devided into two parts, the fee for accommodation and the travel program and the fee for the coaching and the training program.  

Fee for accomodation & traveling program: €2680, - (euro) or  $ 2970, - (USD)
Fee for coaching and the training program: € 3820, - (euro) or $ 4230, - (USD)

In total € 6500, - ( euro) or $ 7200, - (USD) 

The cost of the complete Ancient Egyptian Healing training (part I - II - III) is     €19,500.00 (euro) or $ 21,100, - (USD). If you register and pay at once for the entire three-year Ancient Egyptian Healing course, we offer a 20% discount on the total training costs.

The fee does not include airfare, visa, travel cancellation and travel insurance.

Important note:

The House of Life was built to be a healing center. We therefore follow the policy that 5% of the coaching and training costs will go to the Foundation House of Life. By this policy we give those who cannot afford the full coaching and training costs a chance to follow the Course Ancient Egyptian Healing for a reduced price. If this fund will not be used, the Foundation House of Life will spend the amount for social projects in the village of Abydos. See the objectives of the Foundation House of Life.

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travel and training program 

Itinerary Course Ancient Egyptian Healing 

The three weeks course Ancient Egyptian Healing includes a training program in the House of Life as well as a travel program through Egypt. 

Day 1
Arriving Luxor. In Luxor we will stay two nights.

Day 2
We will visit the Valley of the Kings and the Temple of Hatshepsut.

Day 3
We will visit the impressive Temple of Karnak. We will meditate in the chapel dedicated to the Goddess Seghmet. We will visit Luxor temple. After lunch we will continue to Abydos. 

Day 4 - 11
We will visit and stay in the Temple of Sety and the Ramsess II Temple. We will meditate in the Horus and Isis/Hathor chapels of the House of Life and will work on our  processes. There are daily meetings where information will be shared and the individual processes will be supervised. This will be done under the supervision of Yvon/Aset and Horus. We practise massages and foot baths and healing rituals. 

Day 12, 13 and 14
We go to Aswan and stay there for two nights. We will visit Elephantine Island and the temple of Khnum to do the connection ritual there. In the afternoon we will visit the island of Philae, the Temple of Isis.

Ps. Did the connection ritual in Aswan already took place then we will use these three days to travel to Tel El Amarna to visit the land of Achnaton for making the connection ritual in Achmoenihien. 

Day 15 - 21
We stay in the House of Life in Abydos and continue working on our individual process. During this time we will visit the Hathor temple at Dendera. The initiation will take place on day 19.

Day 22
Leaving to the airport of Luxor.

Abu Garab

The travel program will start in Cairo when Abu Garab is on the program.

Day 1   

Arriving Cairo. In Cairo we will stay three nights.

Day 2 

Visiting the grand museum of Cairo. In the afternoon the step piramide of Djoser and the Serapeum.

Day 3  

Visiting the great piramid and the Sphinfx. In the afternoon Abu Garab to do the connection ritual. 

Day 4

On our way to the House of Life at Abydos. 

We reserve the right to change the itinerary.

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Do you want to register yourself?  

You are welcome to join the program. To register yourself please click on the link to open the registration form.   

Registration form Course Ancient Egyptian Healing

Saying yes to yourself is the most important step.

Review October 2024 

The integration is in full swing. I am so grateful that I was able to follow this training, that I was given and took this opportunity. Saying yes to yourself is the most important step.

When you come home you realize how many stimuli people here have to process, I had to get used to it. The egoism that plays a role in our society also comes across very clearly to me.

My eyes see even clearer than before. But what I feel is that I experience more peace in my thoughts, body and soul. The people around me tell me that I radiate so much peace and that is how I feel.

The mix that is brought of training, story telling, rituals and meditating several times in the temple of Abydos by the 'House of life' is a treasure chest of experiences and healing power to the deepest of your soul and being.

What I also found very interesting was observing people. I also learned a lot from this, how some quickly stray away from their own being and opinions and allow themselves to be influenced by others. For me it was more than educational and it brought me closer to the essence of my soul, which now has a longing for Abydos and more.

Thank you Aset for everything you do and bring, also thank you for Hanan and Horus. Thank you and see you soon.

Love, Nadia Verhaert Belgium 


'I literally landed and eventually initiated into 'Hathor' where I came deeply home'

Review October 2024 

Words can't express....and that's a cliché, but it's true. I would rather put on Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, that covers it somewhat.

From dark to light, from light to dark, I experienced a whirlwind, an inner storm that calmed down and came to ripple at the Nile.

My energy became flowing and loving. An inner peace came over me when I saw the sun setting behind the temples.

Gods and Goddesses. Frequencies, vibrations, energetic healings, truthfulness at its deepest, thank you for everything you gave and give me.

Egypt, I love you. I feel privileged and grateful. Many thanks Aset & Horus for your knowledge, wisdom and love.

The interpretation you provided me was serving. I was able to place, share and carry the spirituality that came to me in a deeper and broader perspective.

I literally landed and eventually initiated into 'Hathor' where I came deeply home.

I will be back in April 2025 for part 2. Really looking forward to it.

Warm regards, Rosemarijn Moen Netherlands


Now that I am home, I can connect with her every day.

Review October 2024

During these intense course I was able to retrieve parts of my soul. Still stuck due to painful experiences, the temple gave me the mirror. Walking around and making contact with the temple, a physical pain presented itself. This was too great to resolve alone and had to be healed by rituals and the temple, where I was able to experience a lot of love, especially from Isis. The temple came more alive every day.

On the last day I received an initiation into the energy of Isis. This fills me with great gratitude. Now that I am home, I can connect with her every day. This gives my life and my work even more depth.

The visit to the Osirion gave me a feeling of being at home. A recognition of old times.

Loving greetings, Karin Gescher Netherlands 


Healing the Past can change your Future

Review October 2022

My name is Irene van den Oever. I’m the founder of the Sirius Mysterie school in the Netherlands. 

In this story I want to share with you my experiences with the Ancient Egyptian Healing course I followed in October 2022 in the House of Life in Abydos.

How did I end up in Egypt? Well during a meditation in the Netherlands I received a message. It was a calling from my soul to go to Abydos. 

My main purpose was to heal myself on a very deep level. The course to me was a journey. A journey for understanding healing past life experiences, adventured into deep transformation processes, being guided and supported by Horus and Aset of Abydos. 

They offered a save environment which enabled me to dive deep. And the result of the course is that I feel renewed, reborn, both personal and spiritually and that my life as a healer and a teacher in the Sirius Mysterie school is much more alined on a much deeper level with my soul mission.

The Course Ancient Egyptian Healing can help you to become a powerful healer through a purification of your soul because Healing the Past can change your Future. 

Irene van den Oever Netherlands  

Website: Sirius Mysterie school   


Abydos Experiences Guides & Teachers 

Review July 2022

In 2022 a special meeting marked my destiny: a person I met by chance told me about a very particular place in Egypt, precisely in Abydos. It was then that I became curious and looked at the "House of Life" website and one course in particular "resonated" with me: Ancient Egyptian Healing, a healing journey in the Land of the Pharaohs. In July 2022 I traveled to Egypt. .

Guides & Teachers 

The first ‘guide & teacher’ who welcomed me was Aset. She led me and my travel companions through Temples and sacred places of Ancient Egypt and what struck me was the initial indication she gave us: "feel the emotions that move within each place we visit ”. That was the confirmation that I was in the right place. I arrived in Egypt carrying with me the load of my fears, my doubts, full of questions about myself and my life mission. I was doing a job that didn't satisfy me even though it was what I had studied for so many years. I had emerged from a series of romantic disappointments due to dysfunctional relationships with emotionally avoidant men. I was carrying on my body the "scourge" of psoriasis that had been with me for 15 years. In all of this, for a couple of years I had begun to understand that the only interest that made me feel alive was Art but I didn't know if it was part of my life mission and, in any case, how I could achieve it. I was lost.

The second ‘guide & teacher’ gave me a further indication. Horus, this was his name, told us that as guides and teachers they would show us specific practices and rituals for our healing, but WE had to do the work, the internal one. The basis of the Course took place in Abydos, an extremely sacred place with very high energy, precisely to allow us practitioners to speed up the work and amplify the effects of the practices.

In retracing my experience, I can say that I have experienced a sacred journey starting from my Hell, up to my Paradise passing through my personal Purgatory. All in 21 days in total, exactly 7 days for each phase: 7 days for 3 crucial moments, two sacred numbers that meet. This confirms that the case does not exist!

Ability to 'see' 

Horus has the extraordinary ability to "see", so much so that he "saw" me in photos before even meeting me and also "saw" my new face when I arrived in my Paradise. From the beginning of the journey I came into contact with my shadows, I took hold of my internal knots to try to understand their origin and definitively untie them. With Aset I performed meditation practices and rituals, all with one purpose: to heal.

In reality, I didn't know what I should do exactly, what direction I should take. I only knew that I was lost, I knew my pain but I had no expectations on how to heal them. My guides & teachers  showed me my personal block to focus on, but the work, the essential work on me, should have been done by me.

Emotional visions 

Yet in that sacred logo in which all my sensations were amplified, signals arrived in the form of "emotional visions" inside the temples and particular events coming from the outside world. Those small switches, those fundamental moments of change, led me to the final enlightenment with which I came to an awareness that, yes, I had been told, but which I had never really internalized: I had the power and the responsibility over what it was happening in my life and, in particular, on the first big obstacle that had been blocking my path for too long. If I had worked on myself from that, my inner energy would have changed and with that, also what I would have attracted into my life.

Not only. At the end of the journey, the Guides & Teachers Horus and Aset, after observing me, told me that I had the ability to heal through Art and that they would also be close to me in the days following my return to accompany me in this New Beginning.

The Universe took care

I therefore returned home with a great wealth of emotions and experiences and above all with a great awareness which, however, in practice I didn't know exactly how to use. The Universe took care of it for me. From that moment, in fact, without "lifting a finger", my life changed, almost turned upside down.

A month after my return to Italy I suddenly lost my job. It was a blessing. Not only. A few days before I realized that the man I had been with for some time, in reality, was not the good and honest person I thought. He was a godsend.

My first impact with these first changes was actually one of great shock, yet Aset did not think so. Her reaction was: “Great to hear this, it's perfect in time”. And indeed it was like that.

With the knowledge that I was solely responsible for my life and had great healing power over me, I began to embrace these opportunities with confidence and allowed other changes to come.

Today, a year later

Today, a year later, I do a job that allows me to work fully with Art which is taking up more and more space in my life, also through new and unthinkable forms of expression. After 15 years, the psoriasis I had on different parts of my body and which reflected my profound inability to express myself, suddenly healed with a certain disbelief of medical professionals. Furthermore, some time after my return, I met people with a spiritual experience similar to mine, some even with previous contacts with Egypt, and with whom I practice practices and meditations to continue my healing process every day, physical and internal. Finally, a few months ago, the Universe put on my path a boy, an artist, with whom I am sharing for the first time in my life a healthy relationship made of sincere feeling and deep respect, two things that currently nourish my soul , whatever path this relationship will take in the future.

listen to yourself and give your heart a chance to make its way into your life

In light of my experience, I can only say that what the Healing Center of the "House of Life" reserves for those who put themselves on the line is an internal journey of fundamental importance for oneself. It is not a point of arrival but it is just the beginning of a new path, only if you have the courage to get in touch with your shadows and question old life mechanisms. It is a profound transformation process that one's Soul triggers in order to heal deep wounds and begin to shine in its full potential. Aset and Horus will accompany you with Love on this journey, both during and after the trial, starting from the magical place of Ancient Egypt.

What I can suggest is what I tried to do: listen to yourself and give your heart a chance to make its way into your life.

Eleonora Vittorini Orgeas Italy 

EVO – Healing Artist

facebook: Eleonora Vittorini Orgeas - Artista  

Instagram: EVO Healing Artist 

YouTube: EVO Artist  

Experiences since 2009 

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