Building rainbow bridges

Foundation House of Life Abydos

The aim of the Foundation House of Life Abydos is to build rainbow bridges between the world and Egypt. It is an independent organization that supports social and cultural projects in the village of Abydos. It funds nine aid projects for the benefit of the people of Abydos.

The Foundation House of Life Abydos is founded in 2010 also with the aim to save the ancient Egyptian spiritual knowledge, retained by Horus from Abydos, for the future. It will also support the developing of the Healing Centre House of Life in Abydos  

A better future for all of us 

Small projects for education and help

Your donation will give the foundation the possibility to help Abydos set-up small projects for education, study, healthcare and for persons with special needs. Your gift will give the poorer families of Abydos hope for a better future because the Foundation will assist these families where she can. Through this we all help to build a better world and give hope for the future to everyone. 

Will you support us? We are happy with every gift, large or small. We are happy if we can welcome you as one of our donors.

Our eight aid projects  

1. Education project 

The education project includes the supporting of a group of thirtytwo children from poor families of the village in the costs and everything they need during the year of school: the school uniforms, sportswear, leisure clothing, backpack and learning materials.

 Our new projects since July 2020

2. Bread to Share project 

The corona pandemic has struck worldwide, including Egypt. The economic consequences of the lockdowns have become tangible everywhere in a short time. It is always the groups of people who have already struggled who first experience the consequences of an economic crisis. This also applies to the Egyptian society. "Bread to Share" is a project started by the Foundation House of Life in July.

With this project, fourteen families in the village of Abydos, the families with sick paretns and the widows with their children, are provided with the flour to bake the typical Egyptian breads the coming year. In this way, the foundation hopes to ensure that these Egyptian families in Abydos do not go hungry. A 50 kg bag of flour costs around $ 12, - or € 11, - With this amount of flour the families can bake their breads for two weeks. We are happy with every donation to buy as many bags of flour as possible so that there is enough "Bread to Share" for the families in Abydos who needs our support.

Fish as sign of good luck 

3. Fish as sign of good luck project 

Did you know that dreaming about fish is an important symbol of good luck for the future and that there wil be always enough for you to live from? Bread and fish to share touches something of an old story. If we dare to share our abundance without the fear of shortages, we will understand something much deeper. There is no shortage, there is always enough.

Do you want to help us to develop this project? With the amount of $ 5, - or € 4, - we can offer a poor family of Abydos fresh fish from the market.

do you want to be my guest at my table?

4. You are my guest at my table project 

A project in which we would like to invite poor families of Abydos to participate in it. The program consists of helping the poor families from Abydos with a festive meal on major holidays so they can also invite guests to their own table.

Do you want to help us to develop this project? For $ 30 or € 25, - we can offer the poor families of Abydos a festive meal on major holidays.

Save money for unexpected cases

5. Emergency & Healthcare project 

Diseases and setbacks often comes at unexpected times. Will you help us to develop this project? With the amount of € 30, - or € 25, - we can save to help the poor families in Abydos in case of emergency and in paying the high bills of healthcare.

help can change the entire future

6. Small business & Micro Credits project

Sometimes at some point in your life, help can change your entire future. Will you help us to develop this project? Did you know that with the amount of $ 170, - or € 150, - we can help a poor family of Abydos in starting their own small business?

media library for the children of Abydos 

7. Media library & Library project

Beside the social supporting projects for the poor families of Abydos we have two future social cultural ideals. One of these two goals is to create a library and media library for the children of Abydos.

Do you want to help us to develop this project? With the amount of $ 30, - € 25, - we can save for a media library & Library for education to help the children of Abydos in their general development.

Music dance and theater   

8. Abydos Children’s Week project 

The last goal of the foundation is to organize in the future the Abydos Children's week. Music, dance and theater are beautiful and universal mediums and supports the social and emotional development of children. It gives children the chance to have a good experience about themselves and with others. The Foundation House of Life has the wish to organize in the future the Abydos Children’s Week, containing music-, dance- and theater-workshops for the children of Abydos.

Do you want to help us to develop this project? With the amount of $ 30, - or € 25, - we can save to organize with it an annual Abydos Children’s Week containing music-, dance- and theater-workshops for the children of Abydos.


a better future for all of us

Has one of these projects stolen your heart?  

We hope one of these nine projects has stolen your heart. With your donation to one of these projects you give the foundation the opportunity to go on with helping the inhabitants of Abydos. 

We are grateful that at this moment more and more regular donors support our work. We are grateful for all the Dutch financial support during "The Week of Abydos", an annual week given in Holland in which the foundation is supported by free gifts through workshops and activities. 

We are thankful for all the donations given worldwide.

Your financial support is welcome on:

Name: St. Foundation House of Life Abydos 

Bank: Rabobank

Country: The Netherlands 

Bank account number: NL94 RABO 0111398886

IBAN: NL94 RABO 0111398886


In the Netherlands the Foundation House of Life has the official ANBI status.  


Foundation House of Life fund

How does the House of Life support these projects? 

House of Life Healing Centre 

The House of Life was built to be a healing center. We therefore follow the policy that 5% of the coaching and training costs will go to the Foundation House of Life. By this policy we give those who cannot afford the full coaching and training costs of one of our programs a chance to follow a program for a reduced price. If this fund will not be used, the Foundation House of Life will spend the amount for the social projects in the village of Abydos. 

House of Life Hotel

The House of Life Hotel intends to donate 5% of the booking proceeds annually after deduction of all fixed costs to the Foundation House of Life fund.

History of the Foundation House of Life 

History of the small Foundation Projects   

The first twenty-five children are supported and included in the education project. The group grows up to forty children. In 2014 we are forced to bring it back to the present thirty children. 

The foundation supports two inhabitants in starting a small shop. 

The foundation is able to buy for four families a collective tuk tuk taxi to earn with it an income. 

The foundation supports again an inhabitant in starting a small shop.
The foundation is helping two families which houses are destroyed by fire and is paying the bill for healthcare of two families.
The foundation is helping four families who lost their houses by fire by giving them enough blankets for the winter. 

2012 - 2013
By starting an extra action, the foundation ensures that the Abydos kindergarten can be completed.

2019 - 2020

Because of a special financial gift the foundation is able to support the development of the House of Life healingcentre and the House of Life library.  

2010 - 2021
For the twelfth year in row the education project is funded. 


The foundation is able to include 3 more children in the educational project. The group now consists of 35 children.

2023 - 2024

The foundation is able to include 5 more children in the educational project. The group now onsist of 40 children. 

2024 The foundation is able to support the 'Storytelling project'. The Storytelling project is a project to give the children of Abydos the opportunity to listen to stories and develop creatively.

"Bread to Share" 

Due to the Corona crisis that is also affecting the Egyptian economy and society, extra food support is needed in Abydos for the families consisting of sick parents and widows and their children. The foundation is currently working hard to support fourteen of these families and their children in the coming year with providing the flour with which they can bake the bread for their families. We welcome any 50 kg bag of flour that we can buy for them. A bag of flour costs around $ 12 or € 11, - . With this amount of flour the families can bake their breads from it for two weeks.

Special food projects

To support the poor families of Abydos in this special time the foundation is working hard to support more special food projects like the:  

* Fish as sign of good luck project

* You are my guest at my table project

Financial report August 2023 - August 2024

Financial report August 2023 - August 2024 

Foundation House of Life Abydos

The Foundation House of Life Abydos Foundation is an independent organization and is registered in the Netherlands as an idealistic organization with the Chamber of Commerce (KvK) Chamber of Commerce number: 09219251 - RSIN or Fiscal code: 8221.73.608 The daily management consists of Y.M.J. Taken - Alofs (Chairwoman)  - A. Bastian - T. Hayen - Mr. M. El Khader - Mr. M. A. Motagally.

The board of the House of Life Foundation carries out its work on a voluntary basis and does not receive any salary or compensation for work performed. The financial year runs from August to August. 

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