One of the great musical loves of Aset is singing and accompanying choirs and ensembles. She dedicated her life to develop the singing voice from childhood to adulthood.
She deeply understands how the experience of singing together and meeting each other in a song, can serve yourself and others which has a great effect on both the chorister and the listener.
During her recent fourteen years in Egypt, Aset has enabled to work extensively in the temples of Egypt and the House of Life with the Hathor Healing Voice as a particularly beautiful and subtle instrument.
She has many expierences in working with the Healing voice in the beautiful and so special Temple of Sety I in Abydos but also in the Temple of Hathor at Dendera and the Temple of Isis in Aswan. Temples that hold an important place in her heart.
When we really let this sink in, we realize how profound the effect of a voice can be on our souls.
Who does not know the singer whose voice and song penetrates so deeply into our hearts that it is almost impossible to explain why and what is touched so deeply in us?
Who does not know the effect of the speaking voice on our emotional state of mind?
In the beginning there was the "Word," there was the sound, and it was the sound from which creation sprang.
We know from ancient spiritual traditions such as the ancient Egyptians and the Tibetans that sound and vibrations were used as levitation to influence the laws of nature and gravity.
Working with the voice is therefore working with the living soul and our creativity and creative capacity.
Healing through singing is a form of singing that uses our singing voice to address and develop our self-healing capacity and make us aware that we are creative beings.
Healing through singing can express itself in singing of overtones, specific sounds, specific words, mantras and special healing songs.
The effect of healing through singing on humans is that the vibrational frequency of our body is increased, which has a positive influence on the functioning of our vegetative nervous system, our hormone balance and our immune system.
Using the Healing singing has a positive influence on our physical system in general and on our mental, emotional and spiritual well-being.
The best thing about healing through singing is that you always have your own instrument at your disposal, at any hour of the day and at any time you need it.
In ancient Egypt there were a group of priests and priestesses who were connected especially with the voice and with using the voice during special occasions.
They used it in the ancient Egyptian temples where the daily rituals were performed.
They used it during the mummification process to give the soul of the deceased the trust to start the holy journey to Amenti.
They used it to woke up the unborn child if the time was there and it had to be born.
They used it to protect the mother in the dangerous process of the birth of her new child.
The Hathor priests and priestesses were involved in almost all the rituals in ancient Egypt.
All these priests and priestesses belonged the energy and the light of the Goddess Hathor.
They all had one special gift. They healed and transform with a gift which was inclosed in their voices, the frequency of nature.
Frequency means that a certain vibration is transmitted through the voice that influences directly the creation and design of the environment.
The Hathor priests and priestesses knew which energy was hidden behind every sound they sang, behind every word spoken in a hymn.
They knew how to connect themselves to the unconditional universal love that lived in their hearts.
They knew how to open a perfect collaboration with the spiritual archetypal forces who supported their souls during their healing work.
Primarily they worked with the energy and the light of Hathor but also other archetypal and creative forces worked through their voices to effect and create healing and transformation.
In ancient Egypt the training of a Hathor priest or priestess who worked with the voice to heal and to transform was totally focused in achieving in using the voice in this physical and spiritual perfection.
We’re going back to the Hathor Healing Voice Retreat.
'There are many roads that lead to Egypt'
There are many ways to use your voice that can be experienced as the Healing Voice.
The Hathor Healing Voice Retreat will consist of a small part of theory about the voice and breathing, but mainly focuses on the practical experiences that singing brings about in ourselves, in contact with the elements in nature and in equality with others.
During the retreat we will work with the following subjects:
* We introduce ourselves to each other and pay attention to the anatomy and physiology of the voice and our breathing.
* Through exercises and practical assignments we deal with the many ways of using our voice, our breathing and our singing voice in relation to our soul….
* We investigate the power of the Word in connection with the use of our voice. What do songs and lyrics do to us? Singing with the frame drum and other instruments.
* We're using voice improvisations – using existing songs – using sounds and intentions.
* Overtone singing. Displaying it directly on the physical body in order to stimulate the body's healing capacity.
* Singing from your Soul in Nature and in connection with the Temples and Holy places in Egypt.
* We will share the expierences we will have in the temples of Egypt and the messages which will come to us.
* We will work with the knowledge of ancient Egypt to understand the special reationship between the energy of Hathor and Horus.
* Very important, we will celebrate and honor our voice and we collaborate in a joyful and relaxed way based on respect and love.
* We will travel trough Egypt to feel, to experience and to renew our connection with the temples and holy places of ancient Egypt.
* We will work to activate the connection with the old wisdom and energy of the Goddess Hathor and the God Horus - the Goddess Seghmet - the God Khnum - the Goddess Isis and her sister the Goddess Nepthys.
The Hathor Healing Voice Retreat is intended for those:
* Who likes to work with the voice and feel that the voice is the way to their inner soul.
* It's intended for those who are open for the idea that the voice can heal ourselves and others.
* It's intended for those who feel how the ancient Egyptians already possessed and worked with this sacred knowledge.
* It's intended for those who feel that their heart wants to express themselves through their voice, songs and through voice improvisations.
Day 1: Arriving at Luxor.
Day 2:
09:00 u Ceremonial opening
Visiting the Valley of the Kings. Visiting Hatsjepsoet temple
Day 3:
07:00 u Visiting Karnak temple. Blessings at the sacred lake. Special ceremony in the little temple of Ptah and Seghmet
Visiting Luxor temple. On our way to Abydos.
Day 4 until day 8:
While staying in the House of Life we will daily start the new day with a personal messages - with healing voice sessions – sound meditations - meditation sessions - visiting the Sety I temple – the Ramsess II temple and the area of the Osireion - in the evening sharing the expierences with Horus from Abydos and Aset in order to understand and to support the process of the soul.
Day 7:
Visiting the beautiful temple of the Goddess Hathor in Dendera. The temple of the divine sacred temple songs - the divine sacred music – the divine sacred feminine energy.
Day 9:
In the early morning we will travel by train to Aswan. In the afternoon sailing on a falukka on the holy river Nile.
Day 10:
We will visit Khnum Temple on Elephantine Island for a special ritual. In the afternoon we will visit the Temple of Isis on Philae island to celebrate her divine energy in singing our songs for her.
Day 11:
We will travel by bus to the Horus temple in Edfu. We will connect ourselves with the masculine energy of the God Horus. After that we will continue our traveling back to Abydos by train.
Day 12 & 13:
We will take rest. We sharing our experiences and personal processes.
Day 14:
We will integrate the experiences of these 13 days Hathor Healing Voice Retreat through the final ritual.
Day 15:
In the early morning we will travel to Luxor to take the domestic flight to Cairo and to continue our travel back home.
Early Bird booking until 1 of July 2024.
Single room € 2850, – ( eur) or $ 3160, - ( USD)
Double room € 2550, - (eur) or $ 2825, - (USD)
Fee after 1 of July 2024:
Single room € 3100, - ( eur ) or $ 3435, - ( USD )
Double room € 2800, - ( eur ) or $ 3100, - ( USD)
It's offered full board, inclusive all the hotel accommodation, transportation and program activities.
It does not include airfare, visa and the tickets for visiting the temples.
Important note:
The House of Life was built to be a healing center. We therefore follow the policy that 5% of the coaching and training costs will go to the Foundation House of Life. By this policy we give those who cannot afford the full coaching and training costs a chance to follow the retreat Egypt Roots of the Goddess for a reduced price. If this fund will not be used, the Foundation House of Life will spend the amount for social projects in the village of Abydos. See the objectives of the Foundation House of Life.
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‘The best retreat I have ever been part of in my life! I cannot recommend this retreat enough. The heights and depths we reached as a group together and individually were life changing'! Finola McFadden Ireland
'If you need nourishment for the soul, then this journey is right for you. In terms of organization, program, learning moments, knowledge of Ancient Egypt, experience, variety and beautiful musical moments, it was a top trip. Visiting temples and special places is also widely available. And all this under the heartwarming and inspiring leadership of Yvon/Aset Taken. The hotel with nice rooms, swimming pool and delicious food and nice service staff is also a recommendation'. Anglea Becht Holland
'My name is Chantal, I am now 42 years old.
At the House of Life (Yvon/Aset Taken) I did the Hathor Healing Voice course, the very first one given in the House of Life in September 2022. I was introduced to special sound experiences in my practice the year before. For a long time I was looking for what exactly this was. Through Yvon/Aset I learned that this is the Healing Voice.
I wanted more background knowledge, deepening in working with the Healing Voice and that is what I got. The weeks were intense, we did a lot and the Spirits were in a good mood, everything went well. The entire trip was fantastically taken care of and Yvon/Aset is an absolute stunner… not only with her knowledge and experience in Egypt, but also in deploying forces where they are needed. We saw a lot and were able to connect with our Healing Voice in magical places.
Horus from Abydos also had his input. I went deep, enjoyed it and gained new insights. Discovered how powerful my Healing Voice is and which Gods I am connected to. Everything is embedded deeper and also the Sisters with whom I did this course… was magical. We were a mixed group, each with our own input. Mutual respect, serious but also a lot of laughter. Tears have been shed and deep parts healed. I am so grateful to have experienced this and so nice, the bed that Yvon (and Horus) have used in the beautiful House of Life… unprecedented. I would go again in a heartbeat to go even deeper! Thank you very much Yvon/Aset and the wonderful fellow students with whom this trip was even more beautiful'. Chantal Dorfel Holland
'A new door has opened for me! The fight within myself has stopped and peace has been made. I now walk forward with confidence because I know that I live completely from my heart and listen to my own truth. Learning about ancient Egypt and the ancient Mystery schools in the most sacred places of that time has made it clear to me that I want to contribute in my own way to a world in which this knowledge is remembered. This journey has touched me so deeply and it is certainly not the end but rather a new beginning. Mila Jade Kuppens Belgium.
'The Hathor Healing Voice is able to purify something within yourself. I actually didn't believe in it but it works beautifully! Through Aset we were encouraged to sing and we were guided through unknown fields and stadiums, so that we click click click came into contact with our sadness and pain and we were able to free and heal our souls. Instead, my joy and self-confidence in who I really am deep down came back. We have healed ourselves and each other with our Healing Voice. I hope that many more Hathor Healing Voices will follow.' Gotlind Freytag Germany.
'It was a beautiful healing journey to the power places of ancient Egypt, and very deeply within. I am so grateful Aset! For everything you have done and endured to make this place available to us, for your enormous love and the (physical and spiritual) foundation you gave us to grow. It has brought me even closer to myself and I now feel much more strongly about what I am for, here, now. I have been deeply touched by singing together (and traveling, discovering, swimming, eating, playing...), with beautiful wise women at different points in their physical lives. Manorama van de Panne The Netherlands.
Yvon/Aset is a music therapist, sound healer and ancient Egyptian healer. Her life is a mission she has fulfilled first in Holland. Now she is fulfilling it in Abydos, Holy City of ancient Egypt and in Holland.
Together with her spiritual healing partner Horus from Abydos they are the co-founders of the current House of Life in Abydos, a healing Centre based on the thoughts of the legendary Omm Sety.
Abydos is a holy spiritual place where you can find and experience a glimp of Your Book of Life’. Their mission is to purify the rainclouds around the Light of the Souls of the people who are in need of it, so they can become the person they were meant to be here on Earth.
Horus from Abydos is an ancient Egyptian priest and healer pure sang. Since he was a young boy he is trained by the legendary Omm Sety ( Dorothy Eady) who recognized in him his ancient Egyptian spirit. Horus on his turn gave his knowledge to Aset.
Are you interest to join with us this this special Hathor Healing Voice Retreat?
You have all the information and you want to register yourself? please fill in the register form.
+20 10 1000 8912