Posted by House of Life on 4 July 2018

Fascinating testimony

‘Per Ankh, Het Levenshuis’

By Margreet de Boer 

On June 3rd the new book Per Ankh, Het Levenshuis written by the Dutch writer Margreet Merenit de Boer has been presented in the Netherlands.

In this spiritual biography, Margreet Merenit describes her meditative journeys through the shrines of ancient Egypt and her experiences during her stay and the course Ancient Egyptian Healing she attended in the House of Life in Abydos between 2011 and 2013.

Reading her story had touched many special and precious memories inside us. What a special time it was!

In the meantime Margreet de Boer as well as we recieved many comments of others reading her story. We will mention some of them in this newletter:

'Margreet wrote a beautiful, impressive book. It makes connections for me which I did not yet see, like the meaning of the flower of life with the sefiroth. I just read the book and it is asking to be read again. Please thank Margreet for this wonderful and fascinating  testimony.'

'I am now halfway through Margreet's book and I have been touched enormously. My own experiences and insights came back from my stay at the House of Life in 2015 and 2016. It feels like home again. I also read more about the content and the level of the course Ancient Egyptian Healing Horus and you Aset  have done until the end of 2013 and that you were unable to offer the same quality by the circumstances of that moment. And reading Margreets book, there remains a central thought / feeling about how "others" ever could have been thinking to take over the level of what is described in the training by you and Horus. What we have 'had' can not even be in the shadow of what has been discussed in Margreet's book. And ... a profound bow for your knowledge and wisdom and love '.

'I have read the book of Margreet...- what a beauty and wisdom! And what a power Horus had' 

The book 'Per Ankh, Het Levenshuis' written by Margreet de Boer is on this moment only in Dutch. We hope the English translation will be available very soon.

To receive the book book please contact or

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