working on your own process, collaborating with the Sety I temple and with us

Thirteen days intense Course Ancient Egyptian Healing

There is a new opportunity to follow the thirteen days intense Course Ancient Egyptian Healing in the House of Life. Not the extensive three-week stay with a travel program in Egypt and the House of Life, but an intensive thirteen days ( including the two travel days it is 15 days) stay in the House of Life. During this intensive thirteen days you will work on your own process, we and the Sety I temple will work with you, you will undergo the rituals that are part of the Ancient Egyptian Healing Course and you will conclude with the all-important initiation.

Your answers already give us an idea of how we can best coach and assist you.

How are we going to work with you?

If you decide to take the thirteen days Ancient Egyptian Healing Course, we will first send you the The Dream of the Past questionnaire. Your answers already give us an idea of how we can best coach and assist you. Every day there are discussions about your process, you will receive follow-up assignments about what to do in the Sety I Temple, you will undergo body work, you will undergo rituals and you will do meditation assignments in the House of Life meditation chapels.

You get to know and understand yourself and the place you occupy in the world on a profound level

Course of the training

The thirteen days training consists of three seperate modules you will follow one by one. Each module ends with an initiation. These three initiations, one per module, will take place in the House of Life Healing center in Abydos. During your thirteen days each time, you will dive into the spirituality of Ancient Egypt and learn how forces and energies are connected to the different Neturs (Gods and Goddesses). You will learn to use and implement the healing rituals of the ancient Egyptians. In addition to learn to use healing rituals, herbal treatments, massages, sacred oils and meditations, it also initiates a profound spiritual healing and development within yourself. You get to know and understand yourself and the place you occupy in the world better on a profound level. Our advise is to follow one module a year.

Each module of the thirteen days training includes an E-reader:

Course material Ancient Egyptian Healing

Each module of the thirteen days training includes an E-reader:
➪ Ancient Egyptian Healing Course I ‘Medicines in ancient Egypt
➪ Ancient Egyptian Healing Course II ‘Magic in ancient Egypt’
➪ Ancient Egyptian Healing Course III ‘Religion in ancient Egypt’

The readers and articles were written by Horus of Abydos and Aset. The readers and articles have been translated into both English and Dutch.

The book 'Abydos, the Great Healing Temple of ancient Egypt, teachings from the priests & priestesses in the past' written by Erica Rijnsburger & Horus van Abydos.

it gives you the opportunity to integrate the healing knowledge of the ancient Egyptians into your work

Who is this thirteen days intense course intended for?

We have chosen this new route to give those who do not have the opportunity to come to Egypt for three weeks the opportunity to follow the Ancient Egyptian Healing Course.

If you are a coach, therapist, psychiatrist, psychologist and healer, then this intensive two weeks is a perfect way to enter into the in-depth process with yourself and the Egyptian healing field and gives you the opportunity to integrate the healing knowledge of the ancient Egyptians into your job.

Of course you are also welcome if you want to give yourself a gift and you want to develop yourself personally. The Ancient Egyptian Healing Course has proven so many times over the past 16 years that it puts many stuck life paths back on the right track.

Re-connecting through a special ritual with the four power places in Egypt

What is the difference with the three-week Ancient Egyptian Healing Course?

The difference with the three-week Ancient Egyptian Healing Course is that the thirteen days course does not include a travel program. The re-connecting to the Sety I Temple will of course take place. The re-connecting through a special ritual with the three other power places in Egypt - the Khnum Temple in Aswan - the Thoth Temple in Ashmunihien and the Sun Temple in Abu Garab will be done at a later date by yourself. 

Information about the content of Ancient Egyptian Healing

Information about Ancient Egyptian Healing

If you have become curious and would like to know more about the content of this special course - training and retreat stay, we cordially invite you to read the Ancient Egyptian Healing Information Course about the Three-week Ancient Egyptian Healing Course.

Costs for accommodation and training program

Dates and Fees Thirteen days Courses 2025

September 20th - October 4th ( 15 days)  

Dates and Fees Thirteen days Courses 2026

March 18th - April 1th ( 15 days) 

September 21th - October 5th ( 15 days) 


Each part of the thirteen days Course Ancient Egytptian Healing can take place if there are minimum two and maximum eight participants.

The Course Ancient Egyptian Healing I - II - III is offered full board single room. It includes the hotel accommodation in the House of Life single room full board, transportation from Luxor Airport to Abydos and back to Luxor Airport, temple tickets, tips and the complete coaching and training program before and afterwards.

Each part of the course and training can be payed separate. The fee of each course/training is devided into two parts, the fee for accommodation and the and the fee for the coaching and the training program.  

Fee for accomodation: €1750, - (euro) or  $ 1895, - (USD)

Fee for coaching and the training program: € 2750, - (euro) or $ 2980, - (USD)

In total €4500, - ( euro) or $ 4875, - (USD) 

The fee does not include airfare, visa, travel cancellation and travel insurance.

Important note:

The House of Life was built to be a healing center. We therefore follow the policy that 5% of the coaching and training costs will go to the Foundation House of Life. By this policy we give those who cannot afford the full coaching and training costs a chance to follow the Course Ancient Egyptian Healing for a reduced price. If this fund will not be used, the Foundation House of Life will spend the amount for social projects in the village of Abydos. See the objectives of the Foundation House of Life.

Did you send us an Email and you didn't receive our answer, please check your spam box! 

Call apointment & E-mail 

Call appointment

Are you interested in participating in the thirteen days Ancient Egyptian Healing Course or would you like more information?

You can contact us by sending an email so that a call appointment can be made. You can also send us an E-mail. 

Do you want to register yourself?  

You are welcome to join the program. To register yourself please click on the link to open the registration form.   

Registration form Course Ancient Egyptian Healing

Now that I am home, I can connect with her every day

Review October 2024

During the thirteen day course I was able to retrieve parts of my soul. Still stuck due to painful experiences, the temple gave me the mirror. Walking around and making contact with the temple, a physical pain presented itself. This was too great to resolve alone and had to be healed by rituals and the temple, where I was able to experience a lot of love, especially from Isis. The temple came more alive every day.

On the last day I received an initiation into the energy of Isis. This fills me with great gratitude. Now that I am home, I can connect with her every day. This gives my life and my work even more depth.

The visit to the Osirion gave me a feeling of being at home. A recognition of old times.

Loving greetings, Karin Gescher Netherlands 


Saying yes to yourself is the most important step.

Review October 2024 

The integration is in full swing. I am so grateful that I was able to follow this training, that I was given and took this opportunity. Saying yes to yourself is the most important step.

When you come home you realize how many stimuli people here have to process, I had to get used to it. The egoism that plays a role in our society also comes across very clearly to me.

My eyes see even clearer than before. But what I feel is that I experience more peace in my thoughts, body and soul. The people around me tell me that I radiate so much peace and that is how I feel.

The mix that is brought of training, story telling, rituals and meditating several times in the temple of Abydos by the 'House of life' is a treasure chest of experiences and healing power to the deepest of your soul and being.

What I also found very interesting was observing people. I also learned a lot from this, how some quickly stray away from their own being and opinions and allow themselves to be influenced by others. For me it was more than educational and it brought me closer to the essence of my soul, which now has a longing for Abydos and more.

Thank you Aset for everything you do and bring, also thank you for Hanan and Horus. Thank you and see you soon.

Love, Nadia Belgium October 2024 


The process has already been started and the information and knowledge have already been internalized

The online Ancient Egyptian Healing Course as preparation for the two and three weeks Course

A very good preparation for coming to the House of Life for the thirteen days and the three weeks Ancient Egyptian Healing Course is to follow the online Ancient Egyptian Healing Course in advance. The process has already been started and the information and knowledge have already been acquired in such a way that the two and three weeks in Abydos can be fully used for the personal spiritual process.

If you would like to know more about the online Ancient Egyptian Healing course, click on this link: Online Ancient Egyptian Healing

If you would like to read experiences about the online Ancient Egyptian Healing Course, click on this link: Accommodation experiences

On this page you will find an overview of the experiences from 2009 to now.......

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